11 Unique HEALTHY Habits to Support your Writing

Healthy habits are the cornerstone of creativity. Here are 11 unique and healthy habits that can empower writers to produce better and more impactful stories.

1. Don't Sacrifice Your Health

Prioritizing your physical health is essential, especially when you're deeply engrossed in a creative project. It's easy to get lost in the world of your story, but it's crucial to remember the basics. This means maintaining good habits like regular exercise and a balanced diet. Your body and mind are interconnected, and taking care of one benefits the other. When you're physically fit and well-rested, your creativity flows more freely, allowing you to produce your best work.

2. Be Consistent

Consistency is more than just a buzzword in the world of writing. It's not necessarily about the volume or duration of your writing, but about maintaining a regular rhythm. If you're just starting out, it's advisable to start small and then gradually increase your writing time. The regularity of the habit will help in fostering discipline and commitment. Over time, this consistency can lead to improved writing skills and a deeper connection with your craft.

3. Maintain a Routine

Creating a routine can be transformative for many writers. By setting aside a specific time and place for writing daily, you train your mind to enter the "writing zone" more seamlessly. This dedicated space and time become a sanctuary for your thoughts and ideas. Over time, this habit ensures that the moment you sit down, your brain automatically gears up for a productive session. This routine can lead to more structured and focused writing sessions, enhancing the quality of your work.

4. Avoid Comparisons

In our interconnected world, it's easy to fall into the trap of comparing your routine or progress with others. However, it's vital to remember that every writer's journey is unique. Instead of emulating someone else's routine, focus on discovering what works best for you and sticking to it. Your writing journey is personal, and what works for one person might not work for another. By focusing on your own path and avoiding unnecessary comparisons, you can find a routine that aligns with your goals and aspirations.

5. Let Your Story Breathe

Every story has its own rhythm and heartbeat. Sometimes, the best approach is to let the story flow naturally, even if it means deviating from your initial outline. This organic evolution can lead to unexpected plot twists and character developments that add depth to your narrative. By giving your narrative the freedom to evolve, you allow it to find its own voice. This can result in a more authentic and compelling story that resonates with readers.

6. Set a Timer

Time-based goals have proven to be more effective than word count goals for many writers. By setting a timer, you create a focused environment where the aim is to write continuously for that duration. This approach often leads to increased productivity and reduces the pressure of hitting a specific word count. Furthermore, setting a timer can help eliminate distractions, allowing you to immerse yourself fully in the writing process. This dedicated time can lead to more in-depth exploration of ideas and a richer narrative.

7. Reduce Screen Time Before Writing

In today's digital age, we're constantly bombarded with information from screens. However, limiting screen exposure, especially before a writing session, can help declutter your mind. This mental detox prepares you for a more focused and productive writing stint. Screens, especially those of smartphones and computers, can be sources of distraction. By consciously reducing screen time before writing, you give your mind the space to focus solely on your story, leading to more concentrated and effective writing sessions.

8. Don't Write, Just Think

There are moments in a writer's journey where the best course of action is to step back and reflect. Instead of forcing the words out, take some time to just think about your story. This mental exploration, free from the pressure of writing, can lead to unexpected breakthroughs and insights. Allowing yourself the freedom to simply ponder can open up new avenues in your story. It's a chance to reconnect with your narrative, understand your characters better, and find solutions to plot challenges.

9. Incorporate Physical Activity

Physical activity is beneficial not just for the body but also for the mind. By interspersing your writing sessions with short physical breaks, you can rejuvenate both mentally and physically. Whether it's a quick walk or some light stretching, these breaks can significantly enhance your writing stamina. Physical breaks can act as a reset button, allowing you to approach your writing with a fresh perspective. This can lead to new ideas, better problem-solving, and an overall improved writing experience.

10. Plan Ahead

Writing a book or even a short story can be overwhelming due to the myriad elements involved. To prevent feeling swamped, it's beneficial to decide beforehand what aspect of your story you'll tackle in a particular session. This focused approach ensures that you remain on track and don't get sidetracked by other elements. By planning ahead, you can allocate dedicated time to different sections of your story. This structured approach can lead to a more organized narrative and ensure that each aspect of your story receives the attention it deserves.

11. Just Go For It

Every writer, at some point, grapples with self-doubt. However, it's crucial to push past this barrier and just write. Remember, your initial drafts are for your eyes only. Embrace the freedom this offers and write the story you're passionate about, free from judgment or external pressures. Writing is as much about the journey as it is about the destination. By focusing on the process and enjoying the act of creation, you can produce a narrative that's both fulfilling for you and engaging for your readers.


Thank you for joining us on Writing Quest. If you've tried any of these habits or have other suggestions, feel free to share in the comments. Remember to like, comment, share, and subscribe for more writing tips and advice.

Note: This post is a summarized version of the video "11 Unique HEALTHY Habits to Support your Writing" by Writing Quest. For a detailed understanding, it's recommended to watch the full video.

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